Friday, 22 July 2016

Treatment For Urinary Stone in Kochi

Urinary stone or kidney stones are formed when an excess content of minerals or salts are formed in kidney taking a crystalline form. Most of the stones pass out through the urine without causing any discomfort to the individuals being very small ones. But certain large stones can only pass out of your body creating a painful condition in the urinary tract. For the passage of most of such large stones from our body, doctors intervention is necessary.

This disorder is commonly seen in middle-aged or older adult males, but many physicians now report that more children with this condition are found in recent years.

What causes the occurrence of urinary stones?

Urinary stone are normally formed when your kidney or bladder gets saturated with minerals. These minerals are formed when the urine passage is improper. The reduced drinking of water may cause dehydration in you, leading to the deposits of mineral and thereby their crystallization. Some are affected by this urinary stone disorder if they already do suffer from urinary infections. The bacterias causing infections may also create the solidification of salts, leading to urinary stones.

If some have a family history of having urinary stones, he can also be at the risk of the same, as their bodily metabolism will be prone to the crystallization of minerals in the urine. This disorder can also occur from the food habits that one follow. Intake of food containing increased amount of calcium oxalate may increase the chances of getting urinary stones.

What are the symptoms of urinary stones?

The small sized stones which can easily move through the urinary tract will easily pass out your body without causing any discomfort. But there are some large stones which are difficult or unable to pass through the urinary tract. The occurrence of such urinary stones can severe symptoms in you like;
  • Pain during urination
  • Pain and discomfort in penis for males
  • Pain in the lower stomach area
  • Starting of urine stream takes longer time
  • Cloudy appearance of urine
  • Presence of blood in urine
  • Frequent urge to urinate

How urinary stones can be treated?

Before treating the urinary stone problem, your doctor will subject you to some imaging techniques like; X-ray, CT scan etc. The urine test will also be conducted along with this. When once your doctor has confirmed the occurrence of urinary stones and its location in the body, he will turn to further treatment procedure. Different surgical procedures are adopted depending upon the position of the urinary stone. Surgical procedures like;
  • ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) : ESWL uses shock waves to break the urinary stones making their easy passage through urine.
  • PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy) : PCNL includes a keyhole surgery with 1 cm incision to remove the kidney stone.
  • RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery) : RIRS is a surgical method for removing stone using an endoscope.
  • Laparoscopic stone removal : Laparoscopy is used to remove large and complicated stones through small incision (keyhole) to perform internal surgery.

Specialists’ Hospital provides you the best treatment for urinary stones in Kochi. We are committed to provide super speciality medical care to all sections of society at affordable rates.

For more details visit us on :

Pain is not inevitable..

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Urinary Tract Infections Treatment in Kochi

Urinary tract infection is a common disease, including urethritis, cystitis, nephritis. Urinary tract infection symptoms are usually obvious, and there is the chance of recurrence; if you can not get proper treatment, the consequences could be serious.

Cause of disease

Most of the infections are caused by the E. coli (a bacterium often deposited in the large intestine).


  • Urinary frequency: frequent number of times, but you can only discharge a small amount of urine
  • Chitong feel when urinating, burning
  • Cloudy urine, even bloody
  • Abdominal pain (near the pubic position), showing a bladder infection
  • If fever, back pain, nausea, vomiting, kidney may become infected show

Why do women have a higher chance of suffering from urethritis?
Opportunities for women than men suffer from urinary tract infection is high, mainly due to the physical structure are different:
  • Urethral length

        Male urethra is about 15 cm, while the female urethra is only five centimeters, so bacteria easily straight bladder, and then upstream to reach the kidneys.
  • Sexual stimulation

Penis enters, not only to stimulate the genitals, vulva bacteria will put into the woman's urethra.
  • The opening portion of the urethra

Male urethra opened at tip of the penis, the female urethra is opened at the vulva, vagina adjacent, also near the anus, and is surrounded by the size of the labia. If the vulva dirty or wiped from the anus forward after using the toilet, they are susceptible to the vulva, vagina or anus bacterial invasion and cause infection.
  • Particularly vulnerable period

Pregnancy: inflatable bladder uterus pressing, so not completely emptying the bladder urine
Menopause: weakened immunity 
  • Physicians should instruct patients to complete the entire course of antibiotics, should not be half-way stop; otherwise, the bacteria may become resistant, the patient will need to take a long time to put the more powerful antibiotics to wipe out the bacteria.
  • Patients should drink plenty of water, because adequate amount of urine from the urethra to help flush the bacteria out of the body.
  • Such as people with diabetes or urinary tract stones, should receive appropriate treatment in order to prevent urinary tract infections.

Urinary tract infection prevention

  • Maintain personal hygiene
  • After going from the vulva to the anus should be wiped after visit
  • Pay attention to sexual health, and to emptying after urination
  • Avoid using soaps containing perfume ingredients, liquid soap, vaginal lavage
  • Avoid wearing too tight or gas-tight pants (including underwear)
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid the habit of forbearance of urine
  • Alert, early detection and treatment
Cure all your urinary tract problems with Specialist Hospital, One of the Best Cosmetic Centre in Kerala. If you are facing any of this infections, don't hesitate to take an appointment with us.